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Independent Mental Health Advocate IMHA

Independent Mental Health Advocacy [IMHA]


For individuals that are detained under the Mental Health Act 1984 (amended in 2007), Independent Mental Health Advocacy services are a vital part of Statutory Advocacy provision.


There are currently only 7 specialist Deaf units within Mental Health Hospitals across England (2023).


This means that Deaf patients are typically treated by Hearing consultants and Hearing Mental Health Staff who understand very little about Deaf people, our lives and our culture. Unfortunately, this also means that Deaf patients can be even more isolated than ever when staying in hospital. Being able to provide a Deaf Specialist Independent Mental Health Advocate to support Deaf patients therefore can become a critical part of these patients’ journey to wellness.


As an Independent Mental Health Advocate (IMHA), Natalie can support patients to help them understand their rights and how to exercise them in hospital. Whilst detained under the Mental Health Act, or under a Community Treatment Order (CTO), patients have a legal right to free and confidential support from an IMHA.


Natalie has a current, professional knowledge of the Mental Health Act legislation and  can help support individuals in a number of ways, including: 


  • Supporting patients to understand their Section/ CTO. 

  • Supporting patients to understand their Care Plan. 

  • Supporting patients to understand their situation and express their needs, wants and wishes.


For more information about IMHA services whilst detained in hospital, please see:


Please contact Natalie for more information about Deaf services .


For Mental Health Staff requiring up-to-date information, there are useful resources available from the Social Care Institute for Excellence [SCIE]website.



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